Home Remedies For Cat Uti

the term Uti is a medical term for fluid or urine containing bacteria or yeast that is stuck to the bladder wall.

Cats that have an acute case of uti are at risk of developing chronic kidney disease (KD) and bladder cancer. Although there is no proven way to prevent these conditions, annual cat wellness exams can screen for new kidney stones or growths, which can be detected by checking the liquid coming out of the cat’s mouth.

Generally, cats with uti are seen by a veterinarian once a week for blood tests, urinary output testing, and/or surgery. The key test during surgery is to determine if there is an opening in the bladder so that liquid can leave through an extraction.

Home remedies for treating cat uti include drinking plenty of water, not allowing your cat to urinate when it is outside its litter box, and avoiding letting your pet out until it has been able to empty its bladder.


Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is one of the most common remedies for cat uti. It can be tricky to find it at a store, as it is often sold in capsules.

As an agricultural product, cider vinegar is produced using cider apple juice. As a liquid, it must be converted into a powder using water before use.

Citric acid is the liquid component of cider vinegar and determines its acidity. Too much can cause tissue damage or infection. However, if your cat has become ill with UTI, then adding enough will help reduce any inflammation and encourage recovery.

To prevent the growth of bacteria and yeast in your cat that has an infected bladder, do not give a full bladder until you have checked the bladder for signs of infection and corrected it.


Curry is one of the most common spice blends used in cooking. Curry is a strong flavor that goes along with almost every dish. Because of this, it is important to be careful when trying it for a dog with urease or curry powder uti.

Dogs who suffer from uti can get a spicy taste to foods, which can be confusing. This happens because the dog may try to eat the uti but does not realize it because of the taste.

It is recommended that dogs with curry powder uti not be given new food or spices for at least four weeks until the infection has fully resolved. This is to let any new bacteria and/or spices settle down and ensure any infection does not return!

Because of this, dieticians would recommend keeping cats with urease or curry powder only on short term needs.

Chamomile tea

Holding a cat with two hands can also do some damage to its paws. While walking on a clean, smooth surface, your cat can slip and lose a foot. This is another way to prevent this problem.

To prevent uti in cats who have it from happening, try drinking a quarter of a cup of warm water every few hours. Or let your cat drink from the toilet every time you go shopping as this may discourage Urination.

If your cat does have trouble urinating, try changing up the location it urinates at home. Let it use the toilet if that’s what you have at home, or let it drink water from the toilet at home.


While many people associate curry with Indian cuisine, curry paste is also an important component in home remedies for cat uti. Curry paste can be purchased as a concentrate, which is a concentrated liquid and spices combined into one package.

As the name suggests, a spice packet contains various spices. Some of these include cumin, coriander, garlic powder, ginger powder, and mint. Each of these can be mixed into different things to help remedy the condition.

But how? The answer is by testing your cat’s urination and/or defecation to see if they are more acidic or more alkaline than normal. If they are more acidic, then try mixing up some citric acid or lemon juice to help remedy the condition.

If they are more normal then try some baking soda or nothing at all to help remedy the condition.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an important nutrient in our feline society. Your cat may have a condition known as uti, or vitamin C deficiency. This condition can occur if your cat does not get enough of the vitamin C in their diet.

Symptoms of vitamin C deficiency include weak or weak-kqueel, limp muscles, a foul-smelling body and/or urine, and dieback of the skin.

Because it can be difficult to determine how much vitamin C your cat needs you can administer too much. However, low levels of this vitamin are not uncommonly seen even in older cats.

vitamin c is an important nutrient in our canine population. Your cat may have a condition called nutritional sexuality , where they do not get enough vitamin C in their diet.

Zinc tablets

A small amount of zinc tablets mantle your cat when she has a UTI. Most cats do not eat enough food to obtain adequate amounts of zinc, and when it does happen, it is usually after a bout of diarrhea or vomiting.

Zinc is an essential nutrient that doesn’t come in pill form, however, you can buy a zinc tablet for your cat. These tablets are called chromium pichenetate. It is actually a compound that can be added to Meaty Diets to help improve the immune system.

These are commonly available at veterinary hospitals and pet stores as a first line of treatment. Sometimes it does not go away in time for the pet to be admitted so another drug may need to be offered up until then.

Cranberry juice

Proactive measures include drinking a half cup of cranberry juice per day. This should be done one day at a time, so you do not overdo it.

Cranberry juice contains capric acid, which helps break down joint fluid in your joint. This helps prevent additional fluid from entering your Joints and pooling in your Joints.

Because Joint oil can stick to placebos, medicine droppers or half-teaspoons of cranberry juice can be all you need to prevent joint oil from sticking.

Another tip for keeping your joints healthy is wearing them out before winter season comes.

Pineapple juice

Drinking a lot of pineapple every few days may help out your cat that has bladder or urinary tract infection. It is a natural remedy that works by cleaning the kidneys and liver to treat it.

Although not known for its effect on humans, pineapple can help out your cat as well. The juice of this fruit can be enjoyed as a snack or even a meal. Since it contains minerals such as phosphorus and potassium, it is an important part of your cat’s diet.

Many cats suffer from kidney problems such as struvite bladder syndrome (SBS) and nephrotic syndrome (NS). SBS occurs when the cells in the kidney are specks or multi-colored rather than smooth. These cells are called K+/Na+-retaining cells.

These cells are out-of- sync with each other, with some being high in sodium and others being low in potassium. This causes them to not work properly which causes these symptoms such as water retention and poor fluid management.