Double Chin Reduction Home Remedies

Double chin is a cosmetic problem where the upper lip and/or bottom lip looks longer or thicker than it actually is. Many people have a slightly long or thick upper lip that becomes thinner or shorter as they get older.

When trying to reduce the double chin, there are two main ways to do it. The first is to use fat loss principles such as diets, exercise, and Hollywood-style plastic surgery. The second is stand-alone fat loss programs such as weighted belts and body bands.

The second way to reduce the double chin is by doing stand-alone fat loss programs.

Apply a moisturizing cream to your skin

This can be done morning or night and even done while you are sleeping. After you wash your face, spread the same moisturizing cream on your chin and gently work down until it covers your jawline. Leave it until the morning to check how reduced the chin line look like, otherwise it will seem to have not worked.

Let it sit overnight to promote penetration of the cream into your skin. In the morning, remove as much of the cream as possible and massage in a post-absorption gel cap or pad to reduce dryness of your skin.

Apply some gentle perfume to smell nice for about 10 minutes before each exercise session or during exercise sessions to keep yourself feeling relaxed.

Apply apple cider vinegar to your skin

Apply warm water and a mild soap solution to remove hair from various areas of your body. cider vinegar can be used as a wash to clean your skin, too.

Apples can help reduce the appearance of a double chin. Tested and proven, apple cider vinegar can be done at night before getting sleep to have some effects. During the day, try it as a rinse after exercise or as a food component in beauty products such as facial wipes or oral irrigators.

It is believed that by applying apple cider vinegar on your skin during the night, you will experience less disruption to sleep.

Apply baking soda to your skin

Baking soda is a natural excerise/treatments. It can be applied to many things, including your skin. You can even brush your teeth with a paper towel stuck in the mouthpiece of the toothbrush.

So, to prevent or reduce the appearance of double chin and other skin problems, apply ¼ cup (5ml) of baking soda to your hands and gently pat onto your cheeks, chin, and neck.

Continue patting on and off for an hour or more until it is completely absorbed into your skin. After an hour, remove it and wash away any remaining bubbles.

Massage your jawline with your fingers

Affix a band around your jawline approximately ¼ to ½ inches above your upper lip. This creates a path for the massage. Using your hands, gently work the band along the jawline until it reaches the other side.

Now, press down and firmly with your hand to release any trapped food particles. You will feel a slight stretch as the muscle fibers in your jawbone connect, allowing it to move up and down with stronger muscle contractions. This helps reduce the appearance of double chin and exposes more healthy skin underneath.

Repeat if necessary to get rid of all the food debris. Now, enjoy a nice healthy meal without any second or third attempts to get rid of it. This helps keep you feeling secure in that you are doing enough for yourself.

Use a homemade oil mixture

Many people use a mixture of coconut oil and almond oil on their bodies. This mixture reduces the chance of your hair breaking and sticking to your skin as you shampoo, or when you shower in a afterward.

This is due to the fact that the two oils work as emollients in your hair. It prevents it from dry feeling when washing, and when you use soap it also makes sure your hair does not stick.

This also prevents your hair from breaking as you sleep, as it is not exposed to harsh ingredients. Another reason to use this is because of its smell, which may be offensive to some.

But if done safely, it does not cause any damage or breakouts.

Use a commercial product

If you can not use a product that is prescribed for chin reduction, then try one of the following home remediuses: Use baking soda, fruit juice, or fish oil to reduce the skin on your chin.

Baking soda reduces skin on the chin by working as a exfoliant. When mixed with water, it becomes a normal liquid. This allows you to use it as a drink or cosmetic.

Fruit juice can be used in place of soda as it does not contain sugar or caffeine. However, keep it under control or it may cause dryness of the skin.

Fish oil can be applied topically or ingested to reduce skin that is oily. Because it reduces oily skin, it may help prevent double chin development.

Check out medical solutions

There are some natural solutions you can try if you see double chin or a Chin that is higher than the waistline. These remedies can be checked out in clinics or by yourself at home.

Mineral oil can be used as a skin treatment. You would apply a oil to your face and then leave it for about a hour until it has dried up and smoothed down your beard. Then you could wash it off!

You would have to use very small amounts of oil to achieve the same results as larger bottles might require more time to use and invest in before starting the treatment process.

Maltitol may be used as a alternative to honey for removing hair from the skin.