Dog Gum Disease Home Treatment

Dog gum disease is a condition where your dog’s teeth become weakened and fall out. It can be extremely harmful, even kill them.

When a dog’s teeth are young, they are still being developed by the surrounding food and oral environment. When the shape of the teeth change or become irregular, this is a sign of growth.

When dogs are age 6–12 months, their short front teeth start to come in. These can be either positive or negative. If negative, this means the dog got an internal Sanseverity correction done and then returned to normal behavior. If positive, then another dental care is needed to correct it.

At this point, more dentary (the front lower jawbone) reconstruction needs to be done to make sure it stays put. After that, the need for new permanent incisors comes in as they develop.


Ice the area

If your dog has a mouth infection, you can prevent further damage by stopping the flow of water and ice. This means having a nearby cool water hose or drinksationer, or owning a water bag.

It also means keeping your dog confined to his bed or floor while you do this. If you have a highchair or table at meal time, then it works even better!

By restricting access to water and applying ice, you are also less likely to spread the infection. When the ice is thawed and out of place, it can help remove some of the heat that has transferred from your dog to the water.

Use dental tape

A straw is a useful tool for dog disease home treatment. You can use it to give your dog the medicine in a few short, easy steps.

When your dog has gum disease, he may need to be given a medicine called dentaid. This medicine can be put into the mouth using the straw. Then, the oral medication can be administered via the straw or directly into your dog’s mouth.

The problem with this approach is that your dog may need to have some water or another liquid given before and after the dentaid drug. This is necessary for its administration process to work.

With this home treatment method, you first need to give your dog the dentaid drug using the straw, then you need to administer the liquid using a liquid dish or cupually enough for it to be absorbed by your dog. Finally, you need to give yourself some relief by allowing yourself time to do all of these things without being forced into taking anything.

Use a straw


Try a natural oil

If you don’t already have enough hair on your dog, try one of the other treatments listed here. If you have a short-haired dog, try one of the oils listed for dogs with long hair.

Many people use walnut oil as a household cleaner. It can also be used as a flooring oil and in many household products.

Try some on your carpets to prevent future stains. Or use it around your furniture to keep it looking nice. Or use it on your skin to prevent dryness and eventual breakdown by adding some protection against harmful rays.

An alternative treatment for Dog Gum Disease is teas such as wakame or mugwama. These are usually not warm enough to melt the gum but may help soften it slightly. Either of these may also help cool down the overheated kidneys that are causing the dog pain.

Brush your dog’s teeth regularly

When your dog is new to the oral care concept, it is important to brush and chew his or her teeth regularly. Starting with a simple two-week period of brushing and chewing can make a big difference in your dog’s health and daily life.

During the two weeks before each dental visit, create a systematic plan for taking care of your dog’s teeth. Start with an initial treatment at home, then bring the doctor additional treatments as needed.

During this time of transition from home care to visiting the vet, it is important to establish a link between good oral health and general health. It is also important to recognize any changes in the mouth that may indicate trouble with the mouth or teeth.

Dogs do not have pulp cells like people do, so treatments for gum disease are different than for people. However, both require regular visits to the vet for checkups and treatments.

Use pet toothpaste

Save your dog’s normal toothpaste for when you are making a trip to the dentist. Because of the sugar in the toothpaste, it will cause your dog to overuse his teeth to remove it.

Instead, try using one or more of the following products as home treatments for DCD:

Using only pet toothpaste can be problematic in other ways as well. Because most dogs do not swallow, nor can they chew, this can be a problem. Also, because most pets do not get brushed with actual toothbrushes, here are two excellent alternatives you can buy that work equally well:

Use only one type of brush per day or less to prevent excessive brushing and promote DCD clearance. If your dog has very sensitive teeth, use different types of brushes to help prevent painfulDCD removals.

Try baking soda

baking soda is a great remover of stains, so why not give it a try? It can be used as a substitute for common household cleaners such as soap and water, but only if you coat it with oil or Tide would work better.

Baking soda is a common ingredient in many products, including cleaning powders and spot treatments. It can be used as a deodorant as well, so if your dog has smells that are botherable, this may help.

Try baking soda at home by being very careful not to let it get into the water system. If you do need to treat the dog with it, use very small amounts at a time to prevent excessive dryness or burning.

Baking soda has the ability to neutralize acids in the skin, which is what fight against disease and bad bacteria.

Honey treatment

As the name suggests, this bullet point suggests that you should use some type of honey as a treatment for dog gum disease. Most importantly, you should use it as a replacement for tablespoon of baking soda in your mixture to neutralize the acid in the honey that can fight Gum Disease.

Baking soda has some acid in it to neutralize it, but not all recipes require it. Some recipes even call for salt, which does have an acid in it to neutralize.

But not all dogs get caught up in their mouths when they have trouble chewing and swallowing. If your dog is having difficulty chewing or swallowing, then using half a teaspoon of baking soda and using it for one week only will help. It may take your dog a few weeks to get used to it though!

The rest of your mixture must be kept unchanged by the change in texture from the half cup of salt to the full one to maintain its benefits. This is why we suggest changing up your Treatment every two weeks.