Deep Sea Fishing Gear Checklist

Deep sea fishing is a very good way to learn how to fish. There are many different species of deep sea creatures that you can catch. Most of them are located in the deep ocean, which is near 60-120 miles below the ocean surface.

Many of these fish are hard to see, such as armored fabulouss, which look like large underwater scorpions. Other favorites include dreampups, rainbowfish, and gillfishes.



Reels are the backbone of deep sea fishing. They hold the fish and your bait in place, allowing you to cast your line out into the depths.

There are three major reels available: reel-top, bottom-clip, and handle-top models. Each has its benefits and features, so do not make a quick decision based on one model.

The bottom-clip model has a small loop on the end that is connected to a line that is pulled through a smaller hole in the center of the model. The handle-top model has an attached handle that is pulled onto the machine to hold it steady.


Your fishing line should have a quality line on it. If your line is low quality, then your fish will break it when they take it! A good leader can cost you hundreds of dollars!

Many times anglers purchase cheap, thin leaders that are just used for training purposes. These leaders may have been cut with a cutting machine or some other method that does not create a strong enough cut.

A proper sharpening can help this up to an extent, but if you are like me and don’t want to spend the time doing this, then here are some of my favorite deep sea fishing gear lines to start using!

These lines were all checked on my with a bright light and they had to be solid and heavy. Some of these lines were braided which did not matter as much due to the light weight of the fish.


You will need at least two types of hook. The first is a braided hook, which is used to pick up on small fish or Mbby mbby . The second is a naked hook, which is used for bigger fish such as mackerel or large cuttlefish.

Depending on the fishing situation, you may need different kinds of hooks. For instance, thin-braided hooks may be used for holding and pullingfish like grouper, while thicker ones may be used for larger fish like mackerels.

Naked hooks can be use for any type of fish as they do not have any barbules on them.


Swivel fishing line is an essential deep sea fishing line tool. You do not want to fish with no sensitive areas on your body exposed to fish line. It can make it difficult to balance and maneuver while holding the fish at the same time!

Without a switch, your lure will rotate as it is pulled through the water. This can be dangerous. A switch provides more control over your lure as it is being pulled.

Some swivels are easier to use than others. Some come with colors matched on them, making them easy to use.

Fishing lure(s)

A fishing lure is an item that is used to attract a fish. There are several types of lures, each with their own purpose.

They can be swim bladder, foam, or ferns wrapped in rubber or plastic. They can be paper or plastic and designed to look like a fish. Some are static images of a fish, while others are computer-generated images.

Bucket(s) for fish

If you are deep sea fishing, you should have a minimum of two buckets for fish. The first bucket should be the one you use to gather water and food for yourfish. The second should be the one you use to take care of yourself and your gear.

Depending on where you fish, how long you fish, or how rich in fish species you find your area, these two buckets may vary. Some sites only require one bucket per site because each site is usually quite different in look and depth.

On the other hand, some sites require all three- four if there are very rich communities of fishes. As we said earlier, not every fish will show up in the water – even if it is suckers or grouper! Having three or four helps keep one organized and on top of their game effectivity.

Towels for fish

You will need a towel for deep sea fishing. There are two types of towels you can use for this job: wet and dry.

Wet towels are great for drying your hands and face after fishing. They are also good for wiping down your gear after use.

Dry towels are nice to have on hand as well as wet ones. Having some with you while fish is a quick and easy way to keep a clean fish of gear.

Some people choose to wash their Fishing Towels with Machine Washable Colors. This is an option you have when you do not want to use chlorine bleach because it can damage the towel’s finish.

Other people put theirs in the dryer or heat them up by themselves before using them.

Knife for cleaning fish

Most deep-sea fishing gear companies offer a folding knife as their gear checkoff. These knives can be transformed into serrated or flat-blade tools to cut fish!

A serrated knife can be used to create a jig, lure, or pattern on the fish. A flat-blade fish knife works better for this type of fishing.

While a serrated knife is the best choice for cleaning fish, a flat-blade fish knife is better for trying to snag the fish and put it on your plate quickly.