Cat Grooming Tips For Long Hair Cats

Curly, long hair cats are a little bit of a challenge for most hairstylists. Even the most experienced of hairstylists can find some new tips and tricks to make curlies feel more comfortable.

Tip 1: Use Warm Compressionsheitze Every Day
Par Thornton recommends using a warm compressheitze on your cat every day to keep the fur smooth and soft. This can be done as often as needed, usually every other day.

Another tip is to use rollers or thread to dry your cat. Rollers or thread are much less painful than having the cat sit on a cloth that is dryed over an hour! Rollers or thread also prevent any fighting between cats that may want to use them due to competition.

Tip 2: Use A Cap To Prevent Hair Pulling And Hopping
Par Thornton recommends using a cap to prevent hair pulling and hopping. This could be done by having them sit in their carriers or by putting it in their carriers with the end facing down.

Invest in a good comb

Cat grooming tips for long hair cats

While most combs are designed to fit in the hand, a quality comb is an essential part of your cat grooming arsenal.

Many combs are designed with your hand as the center of rotation, making it difficult to get a good combing match. A medium-hard comb should be used for this type of grooming.

The back and sides of the head can be shampooed more easily than the top section. To prevent hair from becoming stuck, it should be shampooed gently and simultaneously pulled through the comb.

To keep hair from breaking when using a dry comb, use a wet brush or brushock to hold the hair while removing the dry one. Use a lot of pressure when doing this so that there is enough length for the length of hair.

Then, gently pull away and let it hang down allowing new hairs to come through.

Use cat shampoo

Cat grooming tips for long hair cats

Your cat may have long hair that requires special care. Many people decide to let it dry itself using a hairdryer, but this is not recommended due to the risk of overheat damage.

Using a mild shampoo and employing good grooming techniques can help keep your cat looking its best. You can also use a few sprays of my Catnip Cat Lotion to freshen up at will!

Remember to use a safe, non-oily moisturizer as well as any special treatments your cat needs to feel comfortable with you. Make sure to always ask your vet what treatment might be necessary for your cat!

Bullet point: Dehydration is an important part of caring for long hair cats. Using a hairdryer or taking steps against water deprivation is actually very sensitive on the human side.

Be careful not to rub too hard

Cat grooming tips for long hair cats

When grooming your cat, be careful not to pull too hard or stretch the length of the hair. You can create kitty Confusion by sweeping or rolling the hair over a surface, or by putting lots of force into the grooming.

This can happen if you have a long hair cat. He may have had some difficulties in keeping his coat healthy and maintaining thickness, especially if it had been cut short earlier. Or he may have been re-homed soon after losing his previous owners.

These new caretakers may have shortened his hair and put him in poor health by keeping him in a box or another container for long periods of time, with no airflow or renewal.

To prevent any skin problems, keep your cat on a comfy couch or bed with just enough space between them to comfortably groom themselves.

Know what causes your cat to feel uncomfortable

Cat grooming tips for long hair cats

When grooming your cat, it is important to know what makes your cat feel comfortable and/or uncomfortable. Grooming your cat can be a little more difficult than shampooing!

For example, if a cat feels discomfort while getting a bath, it is easier to avoid the wash and repeat the process. Also, if a cat feels insecure while attending the vet or in other situations, veterinary care may be less effective.

As we mentioned earlier, short hair cats may have more problems with maintaining length in their hair. De-greasing the pet before washing can help save time and energy. When taking a bath, try nailing the actual counter or something nearby so you do not have to move after the first attempt!

Short hair cats may also have problems with keeping temperature during bathing. Using warm water and a brush are helpful here! Preventing dry cleaning or hassling with the vet when bringing in proof of veterinary care is also helpful.

Use touch to soothe your cat

Cat grooming tips for long hair cats

When your cat has long hair, you may be noticing some hair getting caught in her fur. This is great! Because then you can touch it down to smooth it.

But, if you have short hair, then you may be losing some of your cats length of hair. Short hair may be more difficult to brush and groom.

To help with this, use a soft brush or a towel to dry the cat. Then, use a tuft ofhair or a fleece blanket to wrap the cat up. Put some sort of jacket or shirt on her to prevent any chilly sweats.

Brush regularly

Cat grooming tips for long hair cats

When shampooing your cat, it is important to be careful not to overbrush. You can generally brush the bottom of your cat’s feet, around the leg area, and under the chin. These are the areas where most hair is stored.

The top of each leg should be brushed up to the top of the body, and the underside of each leg should be brushed up to the top. The remainder of your cat’s body should only be lightly brushed-in just like your own.

When shampooing a cropped pet such as a cocker or pit mix, it is even more important to be careful. The risk of hair loss is greater because of how much length was removed.

Use a pet trimmer or razor for quick fixes

While cutting or groomer can be great for short hair cats, it is imperative that you have enough time for it to effect the length of the hair.

Short hair cats may not realize how long their hairs are can be. Even a small amount of time to dry your cat’s hair can add up over time.

To prevent breakage, try using a high quality pet trimmer or razor. If you need to cut more than one section of the hair, use different blades on each section.

Keep doing your grooming as often as you would would if your cat had no hair at all. And if you think your cat is finished with its grooming, try using a pet trimmer or razor to see if another length is needed.

Keep your cat clean by regular water misting

Cat grooming tips for long hair cats

When you go out for the night, make sure you give your cat a water mistingño or giving him a dry litter box to use when you go out for the night.

This helps clean up any messes that your cat may produce while you are out for the night. It also helps save you some trouble in the morning when you have to walk your cat because he just had a play time.

Another tip is to keep any food and toys away from your cat when he’s sick. Keeping his habits in place is important as he gets back on his feet.

He can’t keep the symptoms away if he doesn’t have access to things like food and shelter! General health and wellness are very important as we move forward with treating illness, so it is worth checking with your vet on this.

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