Can A Woman Survive Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer is a cancer of the cells that coat the neck and head. These include the cells that make up the collar, the covering of the head and neck, and the cells that lead to new hairs to sprout.

Because it can spread so readily, cervix cancer is almost always treated with surgery. However, recent treatments have provided patients with more options in managing their cervical cancer, including radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy.

A woman’s cervix can become sensitive prior to menopause when male hormones hit higher concentrations in women’s vaginas. This happens because women use a different birth control method—using an intrauterine device (IUD) or using a vaginal birth drug—than an orgasmic technique such as manual climaxing.

Get tested for cervical cancer

Having sexual intercourse can result in a vaginal discharge, vaginal walls or jelly-like material mathematice cervical cancer cells. It is recommended that women with low risk lesions be screened every 6–12 months for the first year to determine if there is an increase in cells.

Despite these recommendations, only women with very high risk lesions are screened. As only the women with very high risk lesions are financially able to undergo annual screening, only about half of all women with cervical cancer receive annual screening.

annually screening, only about half of women with receive annual screening. Annual Screening is cost effective as it costs around $300 for the doctor and test and treatment cost around $100 .

See a specialist

Even if you do not have cervical cancer, you can still benefit from receiving treatment for it. A Pap or Pap+-Pee every three to six months can prevent your cancer from coming back, because the cells in your vagina cannot grow and spread.

Pap tests can be costly, so the closest specialist can help you find a professional to perform one. Additionally, depending on your stage of cervical cancer, there may be certain treatments that work better than others.

Some people find going to see a medical professional difficult or uncomfortable, so there are even papersonuses that provide access through the internet or phone app. If you are unable to go to a doctor’s office, an appropriately trained Internet-based provider can help you.

Get a medical diagnosis

When you’re in the midst of cancer treatment, it’s important to get a medical diagnosis. There are resources specifically designed to help you do so through and from your health care provider.

There are many factors that can influence your health during and after treatment, from changes in appetite and fluid intake to fatigue and energy levels. As you experience changes in function, your doctor will likely review these factors to determine what type of treatment plan you should have.

It is important to have a medical diagnosis when your doctor finds out about any of the following:

dysfunction tests (such as blood work or blood culture results not returned),

extreme fatigue or sleepiness, or

changes in appetite or desire to eat.

Understand what causes cervical cancer

Cervical cancer can be diagnosed by a Pap or Pap test. If you are in the early stages, your cancer may not come back after treatment. However, if you are in the more advanced stages, then you should be aware of all your cancer treatments.

You should also be aware of any changes in your sexual partners routine or frequency of sex, because it is possible to become sexually active during treatment.

Being aware of any changes in sex and sexual function is what the doctors look for when determining when to terminate therapy or whether there is an oncology team support needed.

If a woman has a vagina, there is a higher chance she will have cervical cancer. This is true even if she does not develop signs and symptoms until too late. Women who have sex with women also have an increased risk of developing vaginal cancer.

Avoid smoking or consuming tobacco products

Cervical cancer can often times be preventable with regular cigarette or tobacco use. Because of the risk factors for tobacco use, there are resources that warn about the cancerous effects of smoke on your body.

Because cervical cancer can sometimes be difficult to tell if it is in a woman without visible neck symptoms, such as small firm breasts and/or a normal vaginal discharge, some women may be misdiagnosed with another condition.

When caught early, this condition can be cured with frequent checks and treatment. While screening women for this condition is important, only being checked once every few years for treatment.

Because treating this condition can save many women from death or severe disability, only doing so once a year can make a difference.

Limit your alcohol consumption

A woman’s body can’t process alcohol well, and drinking too much can cause harm to your health. Even small amounts of alcohol can affect your system in some way, making it difficult to determine whatpotion is exactly in food and beverages.

Cervical cancer is one of the harder cancers to treat. Some people with cervical cancer experience a rise in blood alcohol levels (BAL) after they drink, even small amounts. This happens because alcohol is a drug used to treat pain.

If you’re drinking with someone who has cervical cancer, there’s a better chance you’re going to have a more tolerable pain experience if you are both careful about how much you drink.

limit your alcohol consumption.

Get vaccinated for HPV

Having an active, healthy sexual life is one of the best things you can do for yourself. You can enjoy your sex more and with greater pleasure. For example, penetration increases the likelihood of getting under the right circumstances an HPV vaccination.

However, if you are sexually active, you should get vaccinated. Male and female condoms are helpful tools in fighting cancer of the vagina or vaginal area. Lubricant is also helpful to help make sex more comfortable.

If you need surgery to remove cancerous cells from your vagina or around any other area with cancer, get a male/female condom to help prevent erection and spermicide to help prevent pain during sex. You can also buy lubricant and condoms at your local gynecology/ OB/GYN office.

See a nutritionist

Between sex and your typical cancer treatment treatments, nutrition becomes an important factor in recovery. While most people believe the sex/cancer treatment regimen should not be disrupted, nutrition is a key component in recovery.

Many cancer treatments such as radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy use food as an adjunct to the usual “appetite” preferences that don’t always line up with what you need at the time.

For example, during the time of radiation and/or chemotherapy, it is generally best to eat foods that are high in carbohydrates, blood products and vitamins. The weight you lose during this time can often be a short term fix for your health however, if you needed it after you finished with it.

The quality of your health will probably not return to what it was before you were treated until you address your nutritional needs. Nutrition helps with this on a very regular basis.

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