Bladder Infection In Cats Home Remedies

Bladder infections are common in the cats we care about all the time. Around half of all cats will have a bladder infection at some point in their lives.

This is true even in large, high-maintenance pets like lions and tigers that spend a lot of time outdoors.

As with most things in animals, age is a major factor in bladder infection prevention. Beginning to sexual maturity is when kidney and urinary tract function starts to stabilize, so preventing kidney and urinary function from beginning to decline is important.

Although neutered males are almost never infected, the female sex still gets bladder stones which can cause an infection. It is important to prevent both stone formation and an infected bladder from happening together!

Bladder infections are usually caused by something passing into the base of the wall where it does not belong. This can be through fissures or cracks around the base, or it can be areas where it passes out of control.


Bearberry is an ancient plant that has been used as a food and medicine for cats for many years. It has been used as a food and medicine in places, including in the United States!

As with most plants, it is important to your cat that it is still available. If you think your cat may be hungry, try giving it a piece of washed bearberry or mixed in with its food.

If the bearberry is present in its bladder, then mixing some bearberry with the bladder infection medication may help coat it more. If this happens, do not attempt to give it anything yet- let the medication fully work before you try to treat your cat.

Start with small doses until you feel comfortable with the strength of the medication. Once you feel comfortable with the strength of the medication, give it to your cat as needed.

Chamomile tea

Bathe your cat as soon as possible if you have one that has a bladder infection. This is due to the fact that the bedding and cleaning products you use can cause an infection.

If your cat has a urinary tract infection, then trying to clean and disinfect the inside of the cat is essential. You must try to avoid treating it with antibiotics, as this can lead to other problems down the road.

Avoid friction where the cat holds their urine or water

When a cat holds their urine or water, it can create a glider effect that helps them hold the bladder in place. This prevents him from having to constantly go on alert to catch a drop.

To prevent a similar hold as the one described in this article, do not allow the cat to urinate or drink for at least 24 hours after the bladder infection is treated.

Similarly, avoid any type of stimulation that might cause an increase in urine flow such as trying walking exercises or playing games before the infection is controlled.

Instead of trying to clean the bladder infection medication out of the cat, which may prove difficult or impossible, use something gentle and spread it around so it gets into all four corners. This will save your pet from having to sit in pain for long periods of time.

Clean the area carefully where the cat holds their urine or water

When a bladder infection is present, the cat may hold the urine or water in the bladder at the wrong location. This can happen regularly or when one pathetically needs to urinate or swallow a liquid bit it is difficult to do so.

When a infection is present, the cat may hold the urine or water in the bladder at the wrong location. This can happen regularly or when one pathetically needs to urinate or swallow a liquid bit it is difficult to do so.

This can happen regularly when one cat shares an apartment with another cats, as one may need more room to grow and out-of-date bacteria can spreads quickly. It can even happen within breeding seasons, as one female wants more space than her partner does.

Watch for signs of discomfort

It is critical to watch for any signs of discomfort or pain in your cat. If your cat is showing any signs of discomfort, try the following tips immediately.

If a cat shows normal behavior after having a bladder infection, it is likely he or she is recovering quickly. Once the infection has cleared, this cats may resume normal activity and eating habits.

A majority of cats with bladder infections are back to their usual self within a week or two. Some may enjoy drinking water or eating special foods to help keep their body temperature elevated.

If your cat has a prolonged period of uncomfortable symptoms, you may want to consult a veterinarian for possibly taking them to get checked out. A scope of the bladder can help find the infection.

Take them to the vet if symptoms persist

There are a few signs that bladder infection may be occurring. Your cat may look a little disoriented, with one or more of her kidneys below the surface of her body. She may also have trouble urinating, and/or producing enough fluid to do so.

She can also have difficulty passing a clear urine stream, or having an episode of urination. These symptoms may occur several times per day, often within an hour of each other.

These symptoms are similar to kidney problems, except that the infection appears to be affecting the bladder instead. The infection can spread from the kidney to the bladder, where it can become chronic.

If your cat has these signs, take them to the vet immediately! He or she may be suffering from chronic kidney disease, or drug prescribed antibiotics may not working.

Keep the litter box clean

It is very important to keep your cat’s litter box clean. A dirty box can lead to problems such as tracking or rolling in the litter, which can lead to skin and stomach abrasions or infections.

There are many ways to clean a cat’s litter box. One of the most common ways is to use a large plastic shopping bag with a small rubberband around the edge. The bag is placed in the toilet and the contents dumped into it and kept closed until it is clean.

Another way is to use an old sock or glove. If your cat likes warm places, then an old sock or glove can be used that has been heated by being placed in a hot oven before use.

Then, those materials can be used to clean the toilet and surrounding areas of its contents.

Make sure the box is easy to access

If your cat is having trouble urinating or pooping, then it may be necessary to help them out. Many commercial toileting products are available that are placed in the toilet or scooped up using a toilet paper tube.

Some cats simply do not like using the litter box as intended and/or getting up to go use it. If this is the case for you, try replacing the box with a portable one to help your cat get used to it. Make sure it is a large enough size to hold all of its excrements, as some cats can have difficulty managing them.

Another trick that helps reduce production is putting something warm and cosy next to your cat. This helps heat up the skin and encourage them to Urinate or Poop due to temperature extremes.