Best Baby Gear For Dads

Baby is a fun age. It’s when your mom and dad start to really grow up, get married, and make a family!

Having a baby is sort of like being in love, except more frequent and harder. You care deeply about this new person in your lives, and you want the best for him or her from the very beginning.

There are so many ways to spend time after baby is born, right? Wrong!

You have your hands full with everything else you want to do with your new little one and your brokenhearted parents still want to be around as much as possible. That’s exactly how it should be!

Baby gear is super useful for baby’s first year. From diapers to blankets to toys & games, there is something for everyone.



Making formula is an essential part of baby care. There are many brands and models that offer formula centers, where you can pick up a few things and have baby right away.

Most of these models are designed for predictable feeding times, so your baby gets enough to eat at every stage. Some models even require little ones, so you can do little boy’s diapers!

Many parents report having a much better sleep cycle when they have the ability to make the bed and put away clothes. This helps get some rest before starting new habits such as eating or moving around.

Making the bed also helps with keeping rooms organized. Many putobjects on shelves or organization ideas on the floor, which makes a big difference in how they use the space.


When your baby is just a few months old, they’re going to start rolling over and trying to crawl. This means the old practice of having your baby “sittup” on your lap until they learned to get down is a good one!

At this stage, babies are not yet self-sufficient. So, you’ll need to help them get up and down again. The best way to do this is with a pacifier.

A pacifier is a small piece of cloth that infants use as a teething ring. They wrap it around their chapped lips and stick their tongue on it to keep it warm. Your baby will fall asleep with it in their mouth at night and take it out in the morning to breastfeed them.

Many fathers find this stuff very useful as they go about parenting for the first time offon.


Having baby is the greatest experience ever. There is nothing like holding your baby for the first time and all of the fun you will have!

For the first few weeks, your son or daughter will be attached to you only through interacting with you through breastfeeding or toys. They’ll start positioning themselves on your diaper-less butt at around 6 to 8 weeks, which is when they usually leave the hospital.

By then, most dads have figured out that sitting up is really hard and staying upright requires some effort and practice, so they typically decide to let babies sleep in their own bed or on their chest. The floor feels good and safe, so you might choose that as a place to sleep your baby.

Baby Wipes

When your baby gets sick, you want to be able to quickly clean them with baby wipes. Luckily, today babies don’t always get sick!

However, if your baby is messy or has a potty training session coming up, then you should get into the habit of using wipes. Many companies offer specialized wipes for cleaning babies.

Some companies even market their wipe sets as “nappies” because they think fathers will use them to clean their babies when they are little.

While these set of diapers are not available everywhere, some parents may still find value in them.


A crib is a critical baby gear piece. While the term “crib” can mean a child sleep system that is attached to the floor and mattress is interchangeable, it, like the term “ bassinet ,” refers to a limited space where a baby can be placed in a safe and secure environment.

With enough space for your baby to reach out with their hands and feet, a crib provides this. A crib may also have the additional benefit of making it easier to move around the house or change diapers when you need to.

Many parents find that they prefer a crib over a bassinet because they feel more comfortable having their back against the wall while trying to place their baby in it. Others feel that a bassinet is more necessary than most babies are until at least one year old because of how often babies get hungry or uncomfortable.

Either way, having something that looks nice and sturdy but also portable is important for some parents.

Changing Table

Changing tables have come a long way since the days when your baby had to be held on the changing table by a cord around his or her neck. These days, most babies are able

to stand up and explore their world themselves.

This is a blessing! However, it still makes sense to have your baby on the changing table when you’re outfitting them in the world, so they get ready and learn to walk soon. Or if you need to check their vitals or an emergency kit.

Having the ability to safely change a baby is important, so table size and width are an important thing to consider. Too small of a table will not allow you enough time to safely handle your baby, which can potentially be dangerous. A width that feels right for you may be helpful as well, because some fathers may not be able to easily hold their babies on the table with their own arms.


A stroller is an essential part of baby gear. A stroller comes in all shapes and sizes, so which one you need is up to you.

The most common strollers are the square shaped ones that you push around with your front foot and dolly moves like a desk or chair type out towards the child. These are great for multiple purposes such as getting a work out or shopping around the baby.

If you like shopping in your carseat and moving it around then a tricycle is your thing. If you like walking with the baby and not having a specific walker nor do you need one because babies can walk on their own then a non-walker will be fine with a wheelbarrow style stroller.

Many companies now offer Baby Wallets that have all of your needed gear in them so you do not have to worry about losing anything.


A baby is arriving soon, and the only thing your dad needs to do is prepare for the arrival of the baby. Luckily, there are many things for him to do to make sure he gets ready for this important event in his life.

Once you get your baby home, you’ll need to hang out a couple of times a day to visit and take care of them. This includes feeding, changing, playing and other activities with them.

Of course, you’ll also want your baby ready for parents’ arrival so you should buy your baby a few things like diapers and a diaper rash treatment. The best way to do this is by going online and looking at new products released by companies every week or so.

Then, you can go shopping with your husband or son to find items perfect for your baby.